Saturday, 22 November 2014

Robots Atomic!

Earlier this year I was approached to create a logo for a toy company who went by the name of Atomic Robot. They had some great concepts that I would have loved to seen made real, but alas, it was never to be. The concept images were shown at TFcon 2014, and while they received some positive attention from the Fans, this blogger speculates that the project was canned due to to the current collecting focus largely being on "Masterpiece" style Transformer toys; toys that take aesthetic cues from the original 1980's toyline and cartoon. Then again, theres plenty of companies making robots that aren't Masterpiece styled, so who knows.

However, I will say it was very cool to see the logo up on the big screen!

Here's the logo:

There was also talk of me tackling the packaging design if the project went well, and while Atomic Robot never actually asked me to do these pieces, I have to admit I was enjoying myself far too much and got a bit carried away and did them anyway to show them that I was serious. 

Here's a concept for the box of the first line of toys, Exo breed, which was to be loosely based on the "Pretender" style transformers of the 1980's.  

The Logo

And a closer look at the inner icon

Finally, if the company got going, they might have tackled Masterpiece style transformers, and so again I got ahead of myself. The names and type were my own doing just to have something there while I designed it. 

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